Beef Soup Bones

Beef Soup Bones

Approximately 2lb package of Beef Soup Bones
$4.00 /lb.
Avg. 2.13 lb.

Beef soup bones are sections of the animal’s leg bones. They are perfect for making soups, stocks, and broths that are deeply flavorful and high in protein. Simply simmer the bones in a large pot of water for 1-3 hours. Feel free to add herbs, garlic, onion, carrots, celery, and more. Roasting the bones and vegetables ahead of time is another great way to add depth and richness to the flavor.

Our beef is 100% grass fed and finished. Our cattle herd is made up of a variety of heritage cattle breeds, including Hereford, Black Angus, Devon, and Dexter. From May to November, we intensively manage our herd in a rotational grazing system across our pastures. This allows the animals to have access to the best quality grasses, while fertilizing our fields with manure and providing an adequate rest period for plant regrowth. During the winter months, the herd is brought into the barn where they are fed hay and have access to the outdoor barnyard at all times.