Mutton Riblets

Mutton Riblets

$7.00 /lb.
Avg. 1.09 lb.

Mutton riblets are cut from the bony end of the mutton breast ribs. They have a wonderful rich flavor and can be cooked with both dry or moist heat. Try them marinated and then grilled or slow roasted in the oven!

Mutton is the term used for the meat of a sheep that is aged two years or older. The meat is generally darker in color and fattier than lamb, and has a wonderful deep flavor.

Our sheep are raised on pasture without hormones or antibiotics. Our sheep flock is made up primarily of the Dorset breed, a heritage breed that originated in Britain. From May to November, we intensively manage our flock in a rotational grazing system across our pastures. This allows the animals to have access to the best quality grasses, while fertilizing our fields with manure and providing an adequate rest period for plant regrowth. During the winter months the flock is brought into the barn where they are fed hay and have access to the outdoor barnyard at all times.